AAAAHHHH, Acne!!! We all hate it, but there are solutions and preventions we can practice. So, acne is what? Well, the most simple way to say it is crap in your pores. Is it common sense to say, open the pores take the crap out and be acne free? Honestly, I do not know. But that's basically the answer, in addition to, some tiny details and more details. by lululemonathletica |
Where do I start? I will start by saying being active is the key to preventing acne. Ugh!! Do I have to? YES. When you are active and you sweat you are pushing all that dirt, oil, and who knows what out, or at least having easy access to them. Basically, it works just as I explained. Heat opens pores. It's our job to clean them out. Therefore, we MUST wash our face after we finish working out, running, participating in classes such as Zumba (people like this one), or any other activity you prefer. Hey! Do not feel bad, being active it's healthy, makes you happy and keeps you looking good (in many ways).
Secondly, If you have body acne, I am sorry for you and I will give you some solutions. I did not have a case of acne but my siblings did, therefore I can only imagine what you are going through. The second benefit of being active is getting rid of body acne. Body acne comes from fat cells that did not make it out of your body due to slow metabolism. Working out, sweating, speeds up your metabolism and helps you process fat faster. Resulting in a lower risk of body acne. If you are looking into finding a chemical solution for your body or face acne, because you are desperate, just make sure you also start working out to maintain those ugly things out of your life. by fiverlocker |
Here is the SOLUTION/treatment. Steam, say it with me..... "STEAM". YES!!! That's the spirit. Like I said previously, heat opens pores. Obviously, steam opens pores, so the tip is:
1. get in the steam room
2. sweat
3. Scrub your face
4. get out of the steam room and head straight to the sink
5. Rinse with cold water
6. SMILE!!! not before pad drying you lovely faces.
2. sweat
3. Scrub your face
4. get out of the steam room and head straight to the sink
5. Rinse with cold water
6. SMILE!!! not before pad drying you lovely faces.
Is this simple or what?! Well, it might be a little hot or chilly, but it works. Also, by being inside the steam room, you are getting rid of water weight. Don't have a steam room?! Me neither. You can do what my mother used to do in the kitchen:
Source: by vbecker |
- Boil clean water in a large soup pot
- Wait until its starts steaming
- Put a face towel over your head-kind of like a tent having the long sides at the side of your face almost touching the pot (make sure you are careful, take small breaks if necessary)
- Follow through the steps 2-6.
You might have to do this once a week, for best results.
There you have it, preventing and treating acne is so simple and it does not cost a cent (maybe a little for the face scrub).
*Another preventing tip: Avoid working out or sweating with make up on. It is very important for us to look pretty, but in the long run, it is not good.
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